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该模拟软件基于ArcMap的python toolbox开发。通过调用TauDEM的流域划分模块、自研的每个栅格到流域子流域出口模块、源汇景观指数计算模块等进行洛伦兹曲线绘制和源汇景观指数计算。
软件安装:1. 解压缩;2.双击ArcpySSLMFP_setup.exe;3.安装过程中需要安装GDAL和Microsoft MPI,请选择默认安装路径。具体安装步骤可参见安装视频。

APEX Online GIS China

该模拟软件融合中国内陆地区的30m 分辨率的高程(DEM)、土地利用、土壤等空间数据,以及土壤属性、观测的日气象数据、耕作管理措施等数据,构建小流域尺度的APEX模型,并通过地图和表格的形式展示四种土地利用变化情境下的径流、土壤侵蚀、全氮和全磷在小流域及其子流域的流失量,为快速评价不同情境下的面源污染物流失量提供一个简单易用的工具。


该软件基于python开发。通过调用TauDEM的流域划分模块等进行流域划分,结合全国的土壤和月平均气象数据库,使用用户提供的DEM、土壤、土地利用以及依据DEM生成的河道来确定的流域出口等地理信息数据,便捷的构建APEX模型。此外,该软件可以配合APEXOnline GIS China网络版软件,直接对下载的项目数据可以进行操作,两者的文件夹结构和对数据的输入要求都一样。



Distributed model parameter optimization conducts parameter optimization in a distributed way. There are generally two schemes for multisite calibration. One is simultaneous scheme which determines one optimal solution of parameter sets producing satisfactory calibration results for the whole watershed. The other scheme is sequential scheme which optimizes objective functions in a cascading way. The determined optimal solution by the simultaneous scheme assumes that the selected optimal se t of parameter values fits the whole watersheds. By assuming only one optimal parameter sets, spatia l variation of hydrologic responses to geographical conditions in the calibration procedure is not f ully captured. Thus, the simultaneous scheme might be suitable for calibrating models of watersheds with less geographic heterogeneity. For watersheds with large area or higher geographical heterogene ity, the optimal solution for the whole watershed cannot fit all areas. The solution is only "partia lly optimal" for parts of the watershed instead of "global optimal" for the whole watershed. The scheme generating only one optimal solution for the whole watershed can be considered as "lumped optimization", even though the parameter values are setup in a distributed way. In order to fully capture the spatial variations of hydrologic processes, the modification of parameter values for multiple gauging stations need not to be identical but should be based on conditions of sub-watersheds as in the sequential scheme. The distributed model parameter optimization mode initialize parameters for each subarea group defined by users, and optimize them individually.
Demo Project


LET: Landscape Ecology Toolbox.
This is a software that combined the calculation of landscape index under both the "Source Flow Sink" paradigm and the "Patch Corridar Matrix" paradigm. It depends on GDAL 3.4.3. So, if you have any previously install GDAL, please uninstall them before install this package.


This is an online interface that prepare input files for running the swatipeatplus software, which is an autocalibration tool for SWAT+. This software is built based on SWAT+ by embed ipeatplus codes within the source code of SWAT+. This interface provided two versions:
IPEAT+WEB Online: users can generate inputs, upload your txtinout folder for SWAT+ and run the tool on the server.
IPEAT+WEB Offline: users can use this to generate a set of input for runing SWATIPEATPLUS, download it and run the program on your computer, either windows based or linux based.


2024/03/13: 更新源流汇和APEX网页模拟平台线上地图服务已解决地图刷新过慢的问题。
2024/03/22: 补充LET软件用户手册。
2024/08/23: 将天地图地图和标记合并显示解决地图服务器选择问题。

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